A Story, Repeated

We’re at the time of year right now where I always return to one of the big-deal Christian stories from my youth: the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. You know: Easter.

The Need to Feel Balance

Over the years, I’ve written a lot about the concept of balance. It’s a key part of my personal metaphysical framework and one that’s common among many. The past year has been difficult for a whole lot people for a whole lot of reasons. It’s been hard to find balance, let alone feel it. Feeling […]

Do You Feel Lucky?

There are a propensity of books and other products out there that claim to tell you how to manifest things into your life. The first one I ever picked up was The Celestine Prophecy, back in the 90s. I’ve looked into more than a few since then. They all come down to the same basic […]

It Takes Rising and Falling to Live

Humans are creatures of habit. In general, once we establish a pattern, we get really uncomfortable when that pattern gets disrupted. Whether it’s stopping off at the coffee shop every morning or sitting down on the couch to enjoy a favorite show every week, those bits of regularity provide structure for our lives. And that […]

The Trap of Illusions

Our minds are powerful engines of creation. For most people, just seeing letters arranged in a certain way (say, “tree”) can conjure and entire vivid scene. Perhaps it’s a memory, perhaps just a feeling, maybe it’s something different every time, but it’s almost always more than just the letters. We’re constantly interpreting the world around […]

Extremes Don’t Last

There are, without question, extremes in life. We regularly track high and low temperature readings, year to year. The tides ebb and flow, sometimes higher depending on various influences and situations. Sometimes we feel happy, other times sad… and with practice we can better gauge those personal extremes. Most of life, though, happens somewhere in […]

The Lie of Dichotomy

Good vs. Evil. Black and White moral choices. Joy or Despair. Life or Death. Our language and thinking is full of dichotomy. We often go as far as to define things by their opposites. “Darkness is the absence of Light.” We do this to the point where, effectively, neither of the things can exist without […]

The Dark Side of the Moon Isn’t

When there’s a new moon in the sky, it’s the same side of the moon we’re always looking at. It’s just that the sun is shining on the opposite side.

On Demons, Evil Spirits, and Possession

Tonight, I kicked back and watched an ABC Nightline episode called Beyond Belief: Battle With the Devil. Sadly, as expected, I was less than amazed by it. It took things from the standard wacky Christian playbook that’s been around as long as I can remember (at least since the 80s), didn’t include any good interviews […]

A Reintroduction

In life, it is always good to regularly take a long, hard, look at where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going. Regular re-evaluation of oneself is one of the common-sense keys to positive growth and self-knowledge. Often, that leads to the realization of a bit of change. Other times it makes clear […]