Privilege, Power, and Responsibility

I grew up reading comic books. Specifically, Marvel comics. You may be familiar with one of their flagship characters, since he’s one of the most famous characters in the whole world: Spider Man. There’s a lesson that was put into print very early on in the pages of Spider Man comics. It was the idea […]

Extremes Don’t Last

There are, without question, extremes in life. We regularly track high and low temperature readings, year to year. The tides ebb and flow, sometimes higher depending on various influences and situations. Sometimes we feel happy, other times sad… and with practice we can better gauge those personal extremes. Most of life, though, happens somewhere in […]

The Lie of Dichotomy

Good vs. Evil. Black and White moral choices. Joy or Despair. Life or Death. Our language and thinking is full of dichotomy. We often go as far as to define things by their opposites. “Darkness is the absence of Light.” We do this to the point where, effectively, neither of the things can exist without […]

Once More, With Feeling…

I hate feeling like I’m repeating myself. But, here we are again, me knocking the cobwebs off of this blog, saying, effectively, “And this time… I mean it!” That’s one of the reasons why last week, I kicked off my new attempt by talking about the full-year Tarot spread I did for myself. Because at […]

The Year in Preview: Second Quarter

I started the year by doing a 12 card Tarot spread to get an idea of what may be in store for me. Last time, I went through a bit of the backstory of that and covered the first quarter of the year. Let’s look at the second quarter now. April Overview: Page of Cups […]

The Year in Preview

I 100% believe that divination can be a useful tool in gaining perspective and helping you navigate life a bit. I also 100% believe that divination is *not* about predicting the future that will be. At most, it gives us an idea of what may be. More often, it opens our minds to possibilities and […]

A Reintroduction

In life, it is always good to regularly take a long, hard, look at where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going. Regular re-evaluation of oneself is one of the common-sense keys to positive growth and self-knowledge. Often, that leads to the realization of a bit of change. Other times it makes clear […]

Before Dawn

The Winter Solstice once again finds me looking back on the past months during the wee hours of the night. It just so happens that this late December, the world around me has been encased in a certain amount of snow and ice. Enough to disrupt pretty much everything in the region. I’ve actually never […]

No Nightmare Because of Christmas

PC110022, originally uploaded by KierDuros. When Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas hit the screens, it very quickly became one of my all-time favorite holiday films. Mostly because it had my favorite holiday (Halloween, in case you can’t tell) blended in with the much more popular one. Mostly, but not entirely. The movie (if you haven’t […]


As someone who stands outside of all the mainstream religious institutions, there are some things that, once upon a time, were kind of tricky to do without bending or breaking either one’s beliefs or the law. Back in the early days of the World Wide Web, a group came along that made doing at least […]