Metaphysical Monday: Secrecy and the Magickal Arts and Sciences (Part I)

Once upon a time, there were two types of magickal practice: that which happened in large (clan or village-wide celebrations of holidays), public group ceremonies and that which happened in small, specialized groups (the Shaman taking his apprentice on a vision quest). When strong and inflexible regimes came into power–groups who preached their way was […]

…and Beginnings

Just as there are no true endings, there are also no true beginnings. Nothing springs into being fully formed and ready to play. Everything “becomes”–growing from a diverse set of circumstances or base parts, changing constantly as it develops. Sometimes the process can take seconds, sometimes months and sometimes decades or more. We don’t always […]


All things end. You get to the last page of a book. The closing credits roll in a movie. The sun sets as the clock ticks away another day. People and pets grow old and die. Even the Earth will some day most likely be swallowed up by the sun going nova. All things end, […]

Metaphysical Monday: A quick thought on perspective

As you work a spiritual path, you become aware of many things. With some work, that awareness grows into insight. Sometimes, that insight goes to your head. You begin to be able to make certain predictions. You begin to realize things about people without them telling you and without any normal evidence to support it. […]

Metaphysical Monday:Magic, According to Clarke and Niven

Anyone who watches fantasy films or so much as dabbles in most role playing games knows how magic is portrayed. It’s flashy stuff. Fireballs. Magic Missiles. Shape shifting. All sorts of spectacular things. And then there’s the big-deal illusionists that we all grew up with–David Copperfield, Blackstone, Doug Henning and their more contemporary counterparts like […]

Metaphysical Monday: Fate

Last week, I asked if anyone out there had any questions. Turns out, someone did–and she asked. Jennifer asked: I have been trying to get into a particular career field for almost 10 years, but it seems fate has other plans. How can I align my dreams with this apparent fate? That’s a question I […]

Metaphysical Monday: Equinox

There is always that one point–that one instant–when things seem perfect. That mid-point between light and dark. That instant of free-fall between going up and going down. The heavenly spheres move through the sky, the pendulum swings and, before you have a chance to truly grasp what is happening in that moment, chaos returns and […]

Metaphysical Monday: The Dark Side

All too often those who focus on the Dark Side of things see only evil things. It is an unfortunate thing. We quickly forget that Dark does not equate to Evil just as Light does not equate to Good. We forget that Good and Evil are labels we humans have created for things that just […]

Metaphysical Mondays: Cycles

Everything happens in cycles. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll think of cycles as circles. This is useful because no matter how many twists and turns it may take, a cycle always brings you back to where you started. Circles are also one of the most universal symbols you will find for cycles. You can also find […]

Metaphyscial Monday: Our First Freedom

With the Fourth of July fading into the pile of torn off calendar pages, I finally have some time to actually comment on a very unique and very important event I attended on that auspicious day. The United States Constitution sets forth the basics of how the government of the nation should be run. It […]