Metaphysical Monday: The Beginning of the End Times

As an appropriate follow up to my last post on prophecy, this marks the beginning of a new series here at The Searcher Journal. The whole End Times, Armageddon, Second Coming, End of the World, Mass Destruction, thing is something I talk about frequently but don’t often write about. As anyone who’s watched one of […]

Metaphysical Monday: Prophecy

Here’s the thing about prophecies: it’s really easy to mess up. Why? Because it can only be proven if you don’t tell anyone about it before it happens. But if you tell people about it after the fact, chances are they’re not going to believe you didn’t just make it up. If you tell people […]

Metaphysical Monday: Fate

Last week, I asked if anyone out there had any questions. Turns out, someone did–and she asked. Jennifer asked: I have been trying to get into a particular career field for almost 10 years, but it seems fate has other plans. How can I align my dreams with this apparent fate? That’s a question I […]

Metaphysical Monday: Any Questions?

OK… my brain’s all wrapped up in other things right now so I want to borrow yours. Looking ahead to the next few Metaphysical Mondays, I don’t have much planned out. But I know there’s things that you, loyal readers, wonder about. So… ask questions! I should get to them over the next few weeks […]

Metaphysical Monday: Equinox

There is always that one point–that one instant–when things seem perfect. That mid-point between light and dark. That instant of free-fall between going up and going down. The heavenly spheres move through the sky, the pendulum swings and, before you have a chance to truly grasp what is happening in that moment, chaos returns and […]

Metaphysical Monday: The Healer

In my own personal cosmology and organization of the way things are, there are three main spheres of being that people work within. One of those is The Healer. The others (which will be discussed at a later date) are The Warrior and The Searcher. We all have at least a little of the Healer […]

Metaphysical Monday: Time and Time Again

I’ve spent the past few weeks going through old boxes of stuff. I’ll probably be spending the next few weeks doing that, too. Every little thing in these boxes–from a scrap of newspaper to a stack of old photos–brings with it a stream of memories. Those streams flow together and remind me of who I […]

Metaphysical Monday: The Dark Side

All too often those who focus on the Dark Side of things see only evil things. It is an unfortunate thing. We quickly forget that Dark does not equate to Evil just as Light does not equate to Good. We forget that Good and Evil are labels we humans have created for things that just […]

Metaphysical Mondays: Cycles

Everything happens in cycles. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll think of cycles as circles. This is useful because no matter how many twists and turns it may take, a cycle always brings you back to where you started. Circles are also one of the most universal symbols you will find for cycles. You can also find […]

Metaphyscial Monday: Our First Freedom

With the Fourth of July fading into the pile of torn off calendar pages, I finally have some time to actually comment on a very unique and very important event I attended on that auspicious day. The United States Constitution sets forth the basics of how the government of the nation should be run. It […]