Metaphysical Monday: Slipping Through the Door

While many of those not on a spiritual path–and even a number of those who are on one–will think that other realms of existence like Elsewhere are only metaphorical or imaginary, some know differently.

They know differently not because they have sought out such knowledge.

They know differently because they have, at one point or another, slipped through one of those doors.

When I was just 12 or 13, it happened to me.

I had just gotten home from school to an empty house as usual. My sister was still in grade school and my mother was working at that school. It would be another hour or two before they got home. My father was at work.

And so, as I did every day, I tromped in to the living room, sat down on a chair and reached for the remote for the television.

Only on this particular day as I pointed the remote in the direction of the television, the rest of the world fell away from around me.

There I was, still sitting on that chair, remote in hand and book bag at my feet. And there the TV was, a half-dozen or so feet away from me. But outside of that small swath of normalcy there was nothing but a softly swirling, luminescent white mist.

Needless to say, this was more than a little disconcerting. I sat there, not sure what to do. Not sure if I even should try to do anything. My interest in the paranormal had been piqued by that point, but I hadn’t learned nearly enough to even guess at what was going on.

Some amount of seconds passed. Maybe five, perhaps ten, definitely no more than fifteen. I had enough time to wonder what was going on. Enough time to feel that sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach. Enough time to begin to panic. And then, as quickly as it came, the shift went, leaving me looking agape at the TV, remote still in my hand.

A blinked a few times, looked again at the remote and the room around me, and made the conscious choice to pretend nothing had happened. I turned on the TV and watched my regularly scheduled programs.

But something had happened. As much as I tried to forget about it, I couldn’t. I still don’t know exactly what happened, but I do know it marked a turning point in my metaphysical life.

From that point on, I was on a path to discover more about the unseen world around me. Even without knowing it, I hadn’t come back as exactly the same person. I had been, in some way, marked… tagged, if you will, by those swirling metaphysical energies. And as the axiom goes, like attracts like.

I firmly believe it is that one event that has made it possible for me to easily stumble upon interesting situations and accept them as possible. It is a “supercharged” version of the normal occurrence those who seek out the supernatural experience–that lack of needing to actually look for it. After a while, it begins to come to you. You become kind of a magnet for it.

In the years since then, I have crossed those boundaries a handful of times. Sometimes on purpose, other times just as accidentally. Not once has there ever been any drugs or alcohol involved.

Thankfully, it does not happen accidentally very often.

No one who crosses from one world to another comes back unchanged by the experience. Those who make that journey on purpose have a duty to help those who are accidental travelers deal with what they have seen. Those accidental travelers who feel so compelled, should learn as much as possible about where they may have slipped to.

It is only through practice, dedication and exploration that skills can be perfect and knowledge gained. Anyone can do it, but few truly want to. It is only through pushing our own boundaries that we can become explorers in the metaphysical realms. Pushing those boundaries without understanding or preparation, though, is a recipe for disaster.

Study first, then travel forth. Be aware of the dangers you may face, and prepare for them. Find others that have been there, and listen to their tales.

As a culture, we have forgotten that our world is not alone in the Universe. There are others and they are closer than the nearest star system, closer than even the nearest planet. They are here, all around us, pushing in on us, being pushed by us. They are here, waiting to be explored by those who dare and by those who are called to do so.

Are you one of those explorers?

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