Once More, With Feeling…

A carving of a labyrinth. No dead ends here. Just a winding path to the center.

I hate feeling like I’m repeating myself.

But, here we are again, me knocking the cobwebs off of this blog, saying, effectively, “And this time… I mean it!”

That’s one of the reasons why last week, I kicked off my new attempt by talking about the full-year Tarot spread I did for myself. Because at least then the first post in a year after a long absence wouldn’t be about starting things back up.

But Here I am, Again

This post was originally going to be about destructive cults and conspiracy theories (because, well, they’re all the rage right now here in the U.S. in ways they haven’t been before and it’s kind of terrifying and important). To get at that, I started writing up a bit on why people get involved in spiritual or metaphysical pursuits… and realized I’d already written something on that years ago.

That old post isn’t exactly what I was going to say, but it was close enough that I decided I should probably take a step back myself and really plan something new out.

So I figured I’d do an introduction (assuming, of course, some new people will drop by here). But I’ve done that before, too. More than once. Maybe I don’t have to do that again? Even asking that, though, brings back the idea that I should probably plan this out more.

I hate repeating myself, but sometimes you have to go back a little before you can really go forward.

Sometimes, you’re not actually repeating yourself. It can just as readily be a simple switchback in the path. A reminder of what you already know, seen from a different angle. The sudden turn in a labyrinth that will, eventually, lead you to the center.

The First Step in Breaking Bad Patterns…

All of that is to point out the bad pattern I’ve been in for a long time when it comes to this site. I start off with a (re)introduction and then… nothing much follows.

Last year was a hell of a year (like, globally), and this year I really want to be better about a lot of things I’ve let slide.

The first step in breaking bad patterns is acknowledging them. That’s the only way you take action to change them, to make them into better patterns.

But it’s also important to stick with commitments, even if the only one who knows about the commitment is you.

I committed to getting a new post here every Monday. Last week’s one post managed to stretch into three–again because of some poor planning–and, while I thought for a moment “Oh! That could take care of the rest of the month!” I very quickly slapped my lazy self for that and, well, here we are with something new for this week.

I’ve felt like I’ve been going in circles, at best. But I’m hoping it’s just been another nested path. That, soon, the next turn will come and it will lead to the center.

Looking Ahead

There’s a lot going on in the world right now and a bunch of it has metaphysical over and under tones. Some of it is super harmful, some of it helpful, and some of it is just plain weird.

Over the next bunch of weeks, I hope to touch on some of that stuff–like the cults and conspiracy theories–and also to bring you along with me on my rededication to my spiritual path. (I’ve really let things slip… still living by most of my principles, but feeling the stagnation I’ve let set in.)

This isn’t all about me, though. I also want to hear from you. Tell me about your experiences. The path you walk. What you believe and why. Ask me questions.

It’s a wild, strange world and it can feel real lonely sometimes. This site was always meant to be a place where people can come together and dig into some of that strangeness with each other.

We can walk this path together.

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