Metaphysical Monday: Evolution vs. Revolution

Both evolution and revolution are hot topics these days. One for its place in the education world. The other for its place in the political world. What many people don’t seem to realize is how similar the concepts of evolution and revolution as we know them in the external world are to how they apply […]

Metaphysical Monday Bonus Extra: Alchemy!

I was sent a link to the International Alchemy Conference by a friend of mine. It looks really neat. If I were out Vegas way and had the money, I would go. Just the idea of the conference is interesting enough, but as I bounced down the list of presenters I was really surprised. On […]

Metaphysical Monday: Lead to Gold

Gathering, mixing, burning, reducing, extracting, repeating again and again and again. The alchemists of old–the forefathers of modern chemistry–are well known for their quest to transmute base elements like lead into something worthwhile, like gold. What many don’t realize is that their quest for physical transmutation was mirrored in their search for a spiritual one. […]