The Year in Preview: Second Quarter

I started the year by doing a 12 card Tarot spread to get an idea of what may be in store for me. Last time, I went through a bit of the backstory of that and covered the first quarter of the year. Let’s look at the second quarter now.


Tarot Spread for April

Overview: Page of Cups

Detail Cards: Three of Cups, King of Swords, Nine of Swords (Reversed), The Chariot (Reversed)

This looks like it’s going to be another one of the really mixed months. Having that page right side up in the overview position is definitely a good thing… but that reversed Chariot at the end of the details is potentially problematic. Hopefully that Three of Cups means it’ll be sensible to get together with at least a few people by this point in the year. No huge Bacchanalia, of course, but a small circle of friendly faces in person would be really nice.

That pair of Swords cards in the middle have me a bit concerned about some older dudes (like me, I guess) I know.


Tarot Spread for May

Overview: The Fool (Reversed)

Detail Cards: Six of Pentacles (Reversed), Seven of Wands (Reversed), The Hanged Man, Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)

And here we are right back at a month full of reversed cards. That upside down Fool right off the top is definitely a warning and reminder that I may be a bit too old to play some things too fast and loose (I’d much rather it were right side up, giving me hope of more license for adventure).

That Hanged Man card is also a bit of a warning, especially following that reversed Seven of Wands. That’s most certainly me possibly falling pray to either my “analysis paralysis” or getting too caught up in some detail or another. It’s also vaguely amusing that the only right side up card is someone who’s upside down.

May is probably not going to be my best month unless I work things very well.


Tarot Spread for June

Overview: Page of Pentacles

Detail Cards: Ten of Wands, Six of Swords, King of Cups (Reversed), Three of Wands

Finally, a month that looks mostly good again. Far from completely good, but nowhere near as potentially problematic as April or May.

Granted, there are all indications there that it won’t be a walk in the park to make it good. That Ten of Wands and Six of Swords are definitely not indicative of easy things going on, but they do both have movement in them. Couple that with the page up top and that lovely, hopeful, Three of Wands at the end and the effort will definitely be worth it.

That reversed King has me concerned that I may be more than a bit frazzled at some point during the month from the stress of it all, but I’ll just have to keep reminding myself that it’s worth it in the long run.

Next: The Back Half of the Year

With something like this, there’s really only so far you can look forward with any sense of accuracy. (And, remember, “accuracy” is already a questionable thing when it comes to divination since it’s not actually predicting the future that will be.) So I’ll lump the entire back half of the year into one last big post for the week.

Then, six months from now, maybe we’ll revisit all of this, see how it’s all going, and look a bit deeper at that second half.


  1. […] Well, it’s already been a hell of a year and we’re only a week into it. I started it out by doing a full-year Tarot spread to get a feel for what my, personal, year-long journey may be like. We’ve already covered the first quarter and the second quarter. […]

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