The Year in Preview: The Back Half of the Year

Well, it’s already been a hell of a year and we’re only a week into it. I started it out by doing a full-year Tarot spread to get a feel for what my, personal, year-long journey may be like. We’ve already covered the first quarter and the second quarter. If the past year has taught […]

The Year in Preview: Second Quarter

I started the year by doing a 12 card Tarot spread to get an idea of what may be in store for me. Last time, I went through a bit of the backstory of that and covered the first quarter of the year. Let’s look at the second quarter now. April Overview: Page of Cups […]

The Year in Preview

I 100% believe that divination can be a useful tool in gaining perspective and helping you navigate life a bit. I also 100% believe that divination is *not* about predicting the future that will be. At most, it gives us an idea of what may be. More often, it opens our minds to possibilities and […]

Meataphysical Mondays – The Purpose of Divination

When I was in my mid teens and just starting to learn about all of the wonderful and strange things that existed in the world (mostly to escape from my decidedly mundane life), I got my first Tarot deck. It was a postage-stamp-sized Rider-Waite deck. It came with a little, tightly-folded set of instructions that […]